Eyeetsiak peter

Born: February 15, 1937
Resides: Cape Dorset
Sculpture, Printmaking

Eegeetsiak Peter was born February 15, 1937 at Natsilik just outside Cape Dorset. His father’s name is Peter Aningmiuq and his mother’s name is Alasuak. Eegeetsiak has 3 sisters and 5 brothers, two of whom are well know carvers; Joli Aningmiuq and Pudlo Melia. Eegeetsiak is married to Nitanie and they have 8 children.

Eegeetsiak began to carve in the late 1950’s and carves mainly human figures. His work has been represented in exhibitions as early as 1967 and is featured in many private collections across Canada.


Cape Dorset Print Collection
(printmaker) (annual collection) (illustrated catalogue)

Eskimo Sculpture Winnipeg Art Gallery
Presented at the Manitoba Legislative Building
Winnipeg, Manitoba (illustrated catalogue)

June – July 1970
Canadian Eskimo Arts Council
A competition/exhibition organized as a contribution to the Centennial of the N.W.T.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories (illustrated catalogue)

Inuit Sculpture 1974/Sculpture Inuit 1974
Lippel Gallery
Montreal, Quebec (illustrated catalogue)

Cape Dorset – Selected Sculpture from the Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg, Manitoba (illustrated catalogue)

January – March 1980
Cape Dorset
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg, Manitoba (illustrated catalogue)

September – October 1980
La deesse inuite de la mer/The Inuit Sea Goddess
Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal
Montreal, Quebec (tour)

March – April 1982
Songs in Stone
The Arctic Circle
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

February – March 1984
Canadian Inuit Art
Sponsored by Canadian Arctic Producers at City Hall
Nuuk/Godthab, Greenland

1985 – 1986
Selected Canadian Sculpture
Webster Galleries
Calgary, Alberta
(illustrated brochure)

March – May 1985
Uumajut: Animal Imagery in Inuit Art
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg, Manitoba

June 1986
New Beginnings: a celebration of Native expression
At the first Native Business Summit
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Toronto, Ontario

September – November 1987
The Swinton Collection of Inuit Art
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(illustrated catalogue)

November 1988 – April 1989
Night Spirits: Cape Dorset 1960-1965
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg, Manitoba

June 1989
Masters of the Arctic: An Exhibition of Contemporary Inuit Masterworks
Presented by the Amway Corporation at the United Nations General Assembly
New York, New York, U.S.A.(tour)(illustrated catalogue)

February – March 1991
Taste Of The Wild Orca Aart
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

February – March 1991
Cape Dorset Sculpture
McMaster Art Gallery
Hamilton, Ontario

February – June 1991
Granville Island Canadian Inuit Sculpture Exhibition (first exhibition)
Vancouver Inuit Art Society
Vancouver, British Columbia

November – December 1991
Inuit Sculpture: Displayed in Conjunction with the 1991 Cape Dorset Annual Graphies Collection
Muscarelle Museum of Art
Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A.

October – November 1993
Sculpture and Graphies from Cape Dorset Art Space Gallery
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

November 1993 – March 1994
The Inuit Imagination
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Solo exhibitions

June 1974
Art Gallery of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario


Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec

Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, Michigan, U.S.A.

H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II, London, England McMaster University Art Gallery, Hamilton, Ontario

Musee d’art Inuit Brousseau, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Selected references

MASTERS OF THE ARCTIC: An Exhibition of Contemporary Inuit Masterworks.  Ada, Michigan: Amway Corporation, 1989.

Bauer, Erwin A.
MODERN ESKIMO ART. Oceans, vol. 4, July, 1975. pp.56-63.

Canadian Eskimo Arts Council
SCULPTURE. Ottawa: Canadian Eskimo Arts Council, 1970.

Driscoll, Bernadette
UUMAJUT: Animal Imagery in Inuit art. Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1985.

Innuit Gallery of Eskimo Art
MONUMENTS IN STONE: Recent Sculpture from Cape Dorset. Toronto: The Innuit Gallery of Eskimo Art, 1988.

Seidelman, Harold and James Turner
THE INUIT IMAGINATION: Arctic Myth and Sculpture. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & Mcintyre, 1993.


Received First Prize for his sculpture ‘Taloolayook and Man’ in the Northwest Territories’ Centennial Exhibition/Competition « SCULPTURE » organized by the Canadian Eskimo Arts Council; his sculpture was presented to H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II during her visit to Canada in July.

Travelled to Windsor, Ontario to participate in a week-long event called ‘Art in the Park’, which was sponsored by the Art Gallery of Windsor.